I’d love to hear from you!
Yoga is an incredible science and art. I feel very lucky to share the wisdom I have learnt – and continue to learn.
Contact me now to inquire about yoga classes, retreats, workshops, teacher training, one to one tuition or with any other questions or queries.
mobile: 07875 209546
email: sonia@1body1soul.co.uk
There is so much we can do to improve our lives. Yoga helps us thrive physically, mentally and emotionally. Yoga brings the body back into balance so its self healing capacities are optimised. Held stresses are released, blood and energy can circulate more freely. Our breathing deepens triggering a cascade of benefits throughout all the levels of our being.
Apart from teaching yoga classes I am also happy to give talks and workshops to groups and have extensive experience delivering training programs. Passionate about my work, I am keen to spread the word about simple yet profound practices which encourage positive change. Yoga affects how we live our day to day lives. We can live with more purpose and greater gratitude. With less mind chatter and happier hearts life becomes a lot easier and much more productive.
The fantastic artwork you see throughout this site is by the very gifted sculptor Eoghan Bridge. He also now produces stunning prints which you can also see on his website www.eoghanbridge.com. Truth and beauty also inspires us to breathe deeper. Who knew that artwork was so good for our health? 🙂 Eoghan works with real integrity and passion. Qualities I hope to infuse my life too.

strength and balance, relief and focus. Half moon pose can also help address digestive issues, back pain, fatigue, menstrual pain and osteoporosis.
Ardha Chandrasana
Sonia Perry
mobile: 07875 209546
landline: 01430 819845
email: sonia@1body1soul.co.uk
All data collected which is electronically stored is held securely by strong password protection. Personal information written on paper is filed away safely, accessible only to me.